According to Token Unlocks data, FTN, IMX and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities this week, including: Fasttoken (FTN) will unlock 20 million tokens at 8:00 on January 21, worth 76.20 million USD, accounting for 4.67% of the circulation; Metars Genesis (MRS) will unlock 10 million at 8:00 on January 22, worth $31.40 million, accounting for 11.87% of the circulation; Immutable (IMX) will unlock 24.52 million pieces at 8:00 on January 24, worth $29.90 million, accounting for 1.43% o...
据 Token Unlocks 数据,FTN、IMX 等代币将于本周迎来大额解锁,其中: · Fasttoken (FTN) 将于 1 月 21 日 8:00 解锁 2000 万枚,价值 7620 万美元,占流通量 4.67%; · Metars Genesis (MRS) 将于 1 月 22 日 8:00 解锁 1000 万枚,价值 3140 万美元,占流通量 11.87%; · Immutable (IMX) 将于 1 月 24 日 8:00 解锁 2452 万枚,价值 2990 万美元,占流通量 1.43%; · AltLayer (ALT) 将于 1 月 25 日 18:00 解锁 2.4 亿枚,价值 2180 万美元,占流通量 10.39%; · ApeX (APEX) 将于 1 月...
According to Token Unlocks data, this week IMX, DBX, IMX and other tokens will be unlocked in large quantities, including: · Ethena (ENA) will unlock about 12.86 million tokens at 15:00 on December 25, Beijing time, with a ratio of 0.44% to the current circulation and a value of about 13.22 million US dollars; · Cardano (ADA) will unlock about 18.53 million tokens at 8:00 on December 26, Beijing time, with a ratio of 0.05% to the current circulation and a value of about 16.30 million US dollar...
据 Token Unlocks 数据,本周IMX、DBX、IMX等代币将迎大额解锁,其中: · Ethena(ENA)将于北京时间 12 月 25 日 15 时解锁约 1286 万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为 0.44%,价值约 1322 万美元; · Cardano(ADA)将于北京时间 12 月 26 日 8 时解锁约 1853 万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为 0.05%,价值约 1630 万美元; · Immutable(IMX)将于北京时间 12 月 27 日 8 时解锁约 2452 万枚代币,与现流通量的比例为...
Coinbase International announced that the IMX and FLOW markets are now in full trading mode on the Coinbase International Exchange and Coinbase Advanced. Limit, Market, Stop and Stop Limit orders are now all available.
Coinbase国际站Coinbase International宣布,IMX和FLOW市场现已在Coinbase International Exchange和Coinbase Advanced上处于完全交易模式。限价、市价、止损和止损限价订单现已全部可用。
Coinbase International Station on the X platform announced that it will add support for IMX and FLOW perpetual futures contracts, and the IMX-PERP and FLOW-PERP markets will enter release-only mode. Users can place and cancel limit orders, but there will be no matches. The market will be in release-only mode for at least 1 minute.
7:00-12:00 Keywords: Scroll, STX, IMX, Federal Reserve The probability of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 25 basis points in September is 67%. 2. Tokens such as IMX, TAIKO, and MODE will be unlocked in large quantities this week; 3. Scroll core contributors: the unofficial account of the Scroll Foundation account; 4. Stacks Nakamoto is expected to be successfully upgraded on the 15th of this month, and STX production will be halved. 5. Suspected 12 million dollar crypto fraud South...
On September 2nd, according to Token Unlocks data, this week IMX, TAIKO and MODE will usher in a one-time large amount of tokens to unlock, with a total value of more than 71 million US dollars, including: Immutable (IMX) will unlock 32.47 million tokens on September 6 at 8:00, worth about 44.17 million USD, accounting for 2.06% of the circulation; Taiko (TAIKO) will unlock 12 million tokens at 20:00 on September 5, worth about 19.32 million USD, accounting for 19.02% of the circulation; Mode (M...
9月2日消息,据Token Unlocks数据显示,本周IMX、TAIKO及MODE等将迎来代币一次性大额解锁,总计释放价值超7100万美元,其中: Immutable(IMX)将于9月6日8:00解锁3247万枚代币,价值约4417万美元,占流通量的2.06%; Taiko(TAIKO)将于9月5日20:00解锁1200万枚代币,价值约1932万美元,占流通量的19.02%; Mode(MODE)将于9月6日8:00解锁5亿枚代币,价值约624万美元,占流通量的38.46%; Hashflow...
According to Token Unlocks data, XAI, IMX, APT and other tokens will usher in a one-time large-amount unlock next week, with a total value of more than 170 million US dollars. Among them: Xai (XAI) will unlock about 198.40 million tokens at 5:30 pm Beijing time on July 9, with a ratio of 71.59% to the current circulation and a value of about 55 million US dollars; Dydx (DYDX) will unlock about 1.55 million tokens at 0:00 on July 10, Beijing time, with a ratio of 0.68% to the current circulation ...